Studying the Mahabharata begins in earnest when we admit that it is itself unconquerable, a work of such depth and magnitude that we can never claim all of its possibilities. But our studies are anything but futile or Pyrrhic when we create a foundation for study. Here is a beginning, the bare armature we will...
Continue readingOne Hour Gita Basics #3 Recording
Lecture three looks at the relationship between karma-, action, jñāna, knowledge, and bhakti, devotion and yoga. What is Krishna’s nature as the divine and wha does he tell us about deep engagement with ourselves and the world? Click here to download...
One Hour Gita Basics #2 Recording
The focus of this second lecture on the Gītā is karma, the nature of actions, and how Krishna defines our engagements with the world. We explore further Krishna’s metaphysics and its relationship to the system of Sankhya-Yoga and keep matters practical. Click here to download...
One Hour Gita Basics #1 Recording
Here is a live, unedited class meant to create an accessible and easily understood foundation for the study of the Bhagavadgītā. This lecture covers Arjuna’s dilemma, Krishna’s admonitions, and the first considerations that set the stage for the further conversations about yoga. Click here to download...
The Black Swan
The reason Tantra is the art of making trouble is because it is in fact an investment in the creativity of understanding what is possible, not what is sure or certain, not what is simply the case. Let me offer the contrast here. The vast majority of Tantra is problem based. We’re gonna solve...
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